Ricardo Manuel Pereira Vilaça
Email: | rmvilaca at di.uminho.pt |
Address: | Departamento de Informática Universidade do Minho Campus de Gualtar 4710-057 Braga Portugal |
Phone: | +351 253 604 477 / Internal: 604 477 |
Fax: | +351 253 604 471 |
Curriculum Vitae: | PT|EN |
Google Scholar Profile |
Short Bio
Ricardo Manuel Pereira Vilaça is currently a researcher at HASLab, haslab.uminho.pt. He obtained a degree in Computer Science and Systems Engineering from University do Minho in 2005 and the Ph.D in the MAP-i Doctoral Programme in Computer Science in 2012. He is a research scientist and software engineer with a strong background in distributed systems and large scale data management and 7+ years of experience in national and international research projects in distributed systems: Cloud computing, NoSQL and database replication. Briefly, he is a member of FP7 CumuloNimbo: Highly Scalable Transactional Multi-Tier (FP7-257993), FCT Stratus: A Layered Approach to Data Management in the Cloud (PTDC/EIA-CCO/115570/2009) and COSS - Gestão Integrada de Serviços Cloud com os Sistemas de Suporte às Operações (Plano de Inovação PT Inovação 2011-2013). He has also member of the following projects: FP6 GORDA: Open Replication of Databases (FP6-004758), OSS - Aprovisionamento de Serviços Cloud Computing (Plano de Inovação PT Inovação 2011-2013) and CC - Cloud Computing em Data Centers (Plano de Inovação PT Inovação 2010-2012). He published research papers on large scale and dependable distributed systems and has served as reviewer for several highly reputed conferences and workshops such as SRDS, LADC, DAIS and MW4SOC. He has also been int the organizing committee of JOIN + JOBSHOP 2008 and GTTSE 2007. He serve as PC of the 7th MW4NG workshop.Education
Research Projects
- CumuloNimbo (FP7-257993)
- March 2011-Current : CumuloNimbo: Highly Scalable Transactional Multi-Tier CumuloNimbo is a European project funded by the European Commission under the 7th Programme Framework (FP7) that targets to obtain a highly scalable transactional platform as a service (PaaS). One of the innovations will be attaining scalability without trading off consistency as it is the norm in today's PaaS.
I' m designing and developing the CumuloNimbo’s Query Engine layer that is responsible for taking an SQL query and generating an efficient execution plan for the query, to be executed over the tuple store layer. For this, I had identified several fundamental design modifications to an existing SQL query engine (Derby), allowing it to be distributed and efficiently run SQL on top of a scalable data store (HBase) while being able to scale with the data store. I had also done the preliminary evaluation of the prototype using both standard benchmarks for relational databaes (TPC-W e TPC-C) and NoSQL databases (YCSB - https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB).
- Stratus (PTDC/EIA-CCO/115570/2009)
- March 2011 - Present : Stratus: A Layered Approach to Data Management in the Cloud I have defined a novel correlation-aware placement strategy that considers arbitrary tags on tuples and combines the usage of a Space Filling Curve (SFC) with random partitioning to store and retrieve correlated tuples. I have also designed DataDroplets, a flexible, efficient, dependable and fully decentralized key-value store for the management of data in a Cloud Environment. DataDroplets shifts the current trade-off of Cloud based tuple stores towards the needs of common business users, providing additional consistency guarantees and higher level data processing primitives smoothing the migration path for existing applications. I also developed a working prototype of DataDroplets with implementations of the novel and state of the art data placement strategies for key-value stores.
- OSS (Plano de Inovação PT Inovação 2011-2013)
- October 2011 - Present : OSS - Aprovisionamento de Serviços Cloud Computing Cosupervise the research grant holder that is working on the installation and maintenance of OpenStack, a massively scalable cloud operating system (http://www.openstack.org/). Design of an abstract model for the management of computing instances independent of the Cloud provider and development of a Web portal for the supply of resources, both computing and storage, in the Cloud.
- CC (Plano de Inovação PT Inovação 2010-2012)
- June 2010 - May 2011: CC - Cloud Computing em Data Centers Studied the viability of using NoSQL databases as complementary solutions to traditional relational database management systems to achieve scalability and elasticity in telecom applications.
- GORDA (FP6-IST2-004758)
- 2006-2008 : Open Replication of Databases The goal of the GORDA project is to foster database replication as a means to address the challenges of trust, integration, performance, and cost in current database systems underlying the information society. This is to be achieved by standardizing architecture and interfaces, and by sparking their usage with a comprehensive set of components ready to be deployed. GORDA is Supported by the European Community under the Sixth European Union Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, thematic priority Information Society Technologies.
I participated: in the design of the GAPI (http://gorda.di.uminho.pt/community/gapi/) mainly in the recovery interfaces; design and implementation of the recovery protocols and in the integration with the group communication toolkits in Escada Replication Server (http://escada.sourceforge.net/) and in the design and implementation of the Sequoia (http://sequoia.continuent.org/) GAPI implementation.
- Middleware 2012, ACM/IFIP/USENIX 13th International Conference on Middleware
- Montreal, Quebec, Canada, December 3-7, 2012
- SOSP 2011, 23rd ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
- Cascais, Portugal, October 23-26, 2011
- Discotec 2011, 6th International Federated Conferences on Distributed Computing Techniques, Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS)
- Reykjavik, Iceland, June 6-9 2011
- 12th International Symposium on Distributed Objects, Middleware, and Applications - DOA 2010
- Crete, Greece, October 2010
- 2ª edição Simpósio em Informática - INForum 2010
- Braga, Portugal, September 2010
- 28th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems - SRDS 2009
- Niagara Falls, New York, U.S.A., September 2009
- 2009 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks - DSN 2009
- Portugal, June 2009
- 9th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems - DAIS 2009
- Portugal, June 2009
- EuroSys 2009
- Nuremberg, March 2009
- Winter School: Hot Topics in Distributed Computing - HTDC 2009
- France, March 2009
Main publications and citations are indexed as follows: in MS Academic Search as Ricardo Vilaça, and in DBLP as Ricardo Vilaça.2012
- CumuloNimbo: Parallel-Distributed Transactional Processing
- Ricardo Jimenez-Peris, Marta Patiño-Martínez, Iván Brondino, José Pereira, Rui Oliveira, Ricardo Vilaça, Bettina Kemme, Yousuf Ahmad
- CloudFutures 2012 Workshop, Berkeley, California, USA, May 7–8, 2012
- Automatic Elasticity in OpenStack
- Leander Bessa Beernaert, Miguel Matos, Ricardo Vilaça and Rui Oliveira
- Workshop on Secure and Dependable Middleware for Cloud Monitoring and Management (SDMCMM), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 3-7 December, 2012
- A correlation-aware data placement strategy for key-value stores
- Ricardo Vilaça, Rui Oliveira and José Pereira
- Discotec 2011, 6th International Federated Conferences on Distributed Computing Techniques, Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS), Reykjavik, Iceland, June 6-9, 2011
- An epidemic approach to dependable key-value substrates
- Miguel Matos, Ricardo Vilaça, José Pereira and Rui Oliveira
- The First International Workshop on Dependability of Clouds, Data Centers and Virtual Computing Environments (DCDV 2011), Hong Kong, China, June 27, 2011
- On the expressiveness and trade-offs of large scale tuple stores
- Ricardo Vilaça, Francisco Cruz and Rui Oliveira
- On The Move To Meaningful Internet Systems, The 12th International Symposium on Distributed Objects, Middleware, and Applications (DOA), Crete, Greece, Oct 25 - 27, 2010
- On the Cost of Database Clusters Reconfiguration
- Ricardo Vilaça, José Enrique Armendáriz-Iñigo, Rui Carlos Oliveira, Jose Pereira, and José Ramón González de Mendívil
- The 28th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Niagara Falls, New York, U.S.A., Sep, 2009
- Clouder: A Flexible Large Scale Decentralized Object Store: Architecture Overview
- Ricardo Vilaça and Rui Oliveira
- Third Workshop on Dependable Data Management (WDDDM ’09), Nuremberg, Germany, March 31, 2009
- GORDA: An Open Architecture for Database Replication
- Alfrânio Correia Jr., José Pereira, Luís Rodrigues, Nuno Carvalho, Ricardo Vilaça, Rui Oliveira, and Susana Guedes
- The 6th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE NCA07), 12 - 14 July, 2007, Cambridge, MA USA
- EISD - Sistemas Distribuídos(in portuguese)
- 2007-2009 : Nucleo de estudantes do ACM da Universidade do Minho
- EDP10C
- 2010 : Portugueses estudantes de Doutoramento em Ciências da Computação
Event Organization
- Organizing committee
- GTTSE 2007
- Organizing committee
Free Time (in portuguese)
- Núcleo de Braga do Projecto Rabo de Peixe Sabe Sonhar Projecto de solidariedade confiado à Companhia de Jesus que, através de um grupo de voluntários alegres e aventureiros, organiza uma colónia de férias para crianças em Rabo de Peixe, Açores.
- 2007 : Membro do Nucleo
- 2008-2009 : Direcção do Nucleo
- Projecto SA Projecto de solidariedade de apoio aos sem abrigo e familias necessitadas da cidade de Braga.
- 2008-2010