Luís Soares
“Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge.” - Carl Sagan
Personal Information
- Portorama : Sharing geo-referenced Oporto photos using P2P, GoogleMaps and GWT.
- Portorama is a platform for sharing photos of the city of Porto. Portorama is meant to foster a community willing to create a rich, comprehensive and truly diverse photo collection of Porto. Portorama enables you to georeference and arbitrarly tag your photos of Porto and share them across the commuity through a peer-to-peer network. The sets of shared photos are made available by the Portorama community and searchable by their localization, title, author and assigned tags. All photos are stored by the community in a fully decentralized manner and under the Creative Commons license.
- Ph.D. at University of Minho: Group-based Database Replication in Cluster Environments
- Group-based database replication is a promising technique that overcomes scalability issues posed by protocols based on distributed concurrency control or even relaxed consistency. It becomes interesting to study this approach in cluster environments (low latency, high throughput interconnected clusters) in which nodes may share data across the network without severe performance penalties, thus enabling distributed caching and partial replication.
- GORDA : Open Replication of Databases (FP6-IST2-004758)
- The goal of the GORDA project is to foster database replication as a means to address the challenges of trust, integration, performance, and cost in current database systems underlying the information society. This is to be achieved by standardizing architecture and interfaces, and by sparking their usage with a comprehensive set of components ready to be deployed. GORDA is Supported by the European Community under the Sixth European Union Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, thematic priority Information Society Technologies
- ESCADA : Fault Tolerante Scalable Distributed Databases (POSI/33792/CHS/1999)
- The project aims to study, design and implement transaction replication mechanism suited to large scale distributed systems. In particular, the proposal intends to exploit partial replication techniques to provide strong consistency criteria without introducing significant synchronization and performance overheads. Although several replication frameworks consider the possibility for partial replication, the technique is usually justified by storage constraints and regulated by weak consistency criteria.
- Master Thesis Evaluation of Group-based Database Replication Using Centralized Simulation
- Group-based replication is arising as a new trend to provide dependable, available and reliable database management systems. Although several solutions have been proposed, it is not clear which is the best for each application scenario, as evaluation methods used are not representative or do not produce comparable results. In this context, the work presented here results in a thorough and comparable evaluation of multiple protocol implementations in diverse simulated environments. The approach allows the tester to transparently embed real implementations within a realistic simulation, creating this way a flexible testing framework that is shown to accurately mimic real world scenarios. The usefulness of the approach is demonstrated by evaluating and comparing several group-based database replication protocols under different network and application scenarios, as well as in the presence of faults.
- 2006
- 2005
- Group-based Replication of On-line Transaction Processing Servers, In Proc. of the 2nd Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing, (LADC'2005), Salvador - Brazil, October 2005.
- Experimental Performability Evaluation of Middleware for Large-Scale Distributed Systems, In Proc. of the 7th Intl. Workshop on Performability Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems, (QEST-PMCCS'2005), Torino - Italy, September 2005.
- Testing the Dependability and Performance of Group Communication Based Database Replication Protocols, In IEEE Intl. Conf. on Dependable Systems and Networks - Performance and Dependability Symposium (DSN-PDS'2005), Yokohama - Japan, June 2005.
- 2004
- 2003
Things I also do (besides research)!
- System Administration: qmail, xen, vmware, nfs/samba/ocfs2, Fedora Directory Service, Apache web server, Jetty, Bind, packaging and packages repositories (deb and rpm), Ezmlm, Maven, Proximity, DHCP, Trac
- Plone development
- Google Web Toolkit development
- AppFuse based Java web development
- Program heavily on Java and python. Most of my software packages created until now were written in Java and python. A few were written in C.
- Personal Repository (feisty i386)
- Click here to find out how to install my packages using apt.
- Contributed Packages
- Jepp
- Description: Jepp embeds CPython in Java. It is safe to use in a heavily threaded environment, it is quite fast and its stability is a main feature and goal.
- Packages: libjep , libjep-dev, libjep-java-doc
- Reading
- Cinema
- Music
- Writing (not that often, but it happens...)
- Jogging and Riding bicycle

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Last modified
2008-06-05 04:57 PM