Improving causality logging in mobile computing networks
Up one levelCarlos Baquero, Francisco Moura. Improving causality logging in mobile computing networks. ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 2(4):62-66, 10/1998.
Vector clocks, or their compressed representations, have played a central role in the detection ofcausal dependencies between events in a distributed system. When adapting these techniques to a mobile network, bounding the vector clock size to the number of mobile nodes does not provide a satisfactory approach. This paper builds on previous techniques for efficient causality logging inmobile networks and presents a lighter logging mechanism. The technique is based on a particular partial order that is generated by the interleaving of events on mobile hosts that are mediated by the same support station.

@Article{BM98, author = {Carlos Baquero and Francisco Moura}, journal = {ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review}, key = {BM98}, month = oct, number = {4}, pages = {62-66}, title = {Improving Causality Logging in Mobile Computing Networks}, volume = {2}, year = {1998} }
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