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[KX]Ubuntu Contributed Packages

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Packages available for gutsy, feisty and edgy releases (i386 and amd64)
modelnet 0.99 (edge only)
ModelNet is a large-scale network emulator that allows users to evaluate distributed networked systems in realistic Internet-like environments (
maven 2.0.6
Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information (
lightweight-firewall 0.2
Yet another iptables firewall. A simple iptables firewall that also load kernel modules.
bash-bashrc.d 0.2
Provides /etc/bash.bashrc.d folder. To load your system wide bash config just place readable files with .sh extension in /etc/bash.bashrc.d
bash-conf 0.3
Provides bash configurations for bash_completion, ccache, editor, java_home and ls.

APT Repository

Pick the appropriate one of:
deb gutsy contrib
deb feisty contrib
deb edgy contrib

If you want the source packages, pick the appropriate of:
deb-src gutsy contrib
deb-src feisty contrib
deb-src edgy contrib

Add that to your

Add my key to your APT keyring, to ensure that you are really installing my packages:
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -

To install packages run:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install PACKAGE
Created by nac
Last modified 2008-03-06 04:31 PM

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