Specification of convergent abstract data types for autonomous mobile computing
Up one levelCarlos Baquero, Francisco Moura. Specification of convergent abstract data types for autonomous mobile computing. Technical report, Departamento de Informática, Universidade do Minho, 1997.
Abstract Traditional replica control mechanisms such as quorum consensus, primary replicas and other strong consistency approaches are unable to provide a useful level of availability on unconstrained mobile environments. We define an environment thats exploits pair-wise communication and allows autonomous creation and joining of replicas while ensuring eventual convergence. A set of composable components (ADTs) are formally specified using the SETS Calculus. These components can be used to build simple distributed applications that take advantage of peer-to-peer communication between mobile hosts.

@techreport{scadt4, author = {Carlos Baquero and Francisco Moura}, institution = {Departamento de Inform{\'a}tica, Universidade do Minho}, key = {scadt4}, title = {Specification of Convergent Abstract Data Types for Autonomous Mobile Computing}, month=october, year = {1997} }
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